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Concealed Weapon

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Medicinal Wasp-Spider Hybrids

Now this is serious... I am looking for funds to create an advisory board that can determine the feasibility of creating a wasp-spider hybrid that can cure glaucoma with local administration of medicinal compounds directly into the eyes. At this point this is just investigating feasibility. If it is determined that a wasp-spider hybrid that can cure glaucoma is possible to create we will move forward onto the best possible way to accomplish that. Since there are many varieties of both wasps and spiders we will also have to determine which two would be best for the hybrid. This stage is so preliminary that we have not yet decided on which way is best to deliver the wasp-spider’s medicinal compounds, which would be through the stinger or the fangs. Please help us reach our goal and celebrate with us as we move forward toward the future. Click here to donate now.

Star Wars Spoilers

A friend of mine recently posted something about spoilers, this is what he wrote: If I had any interest in seeing the new Star Wars movie, I would spoil the hell out of it, because people that flip out about movie spoilers are worse than those SJWs* who gathered together to scream in impotent rage about Trump being elected. At least the SJWs are ostensibly concerned about something important. This was my response to his post: I am the exact opposite about spoilers. Not only do I not mind spoilers, but I find spoilers interesting and motivating to see the movie. Spoilers are often times better than the trailers for the same movie. Then there are times that I have asked a person to tell me about a movie before I go see it and they responded with,  "I don't want to spoil it for you."  I'm like,  "No, go ahead and tell me, otherwise I'm not interested in seeing that movie." . Again they respond with,  "No, I don't want to spoil...

HB Tuesdays - BMX Flatland

A recent visit to SoCal to ride...

Big Sky

This picture was taken from the Great Plains of the Midwest where the sky is not obscured by mountains. The sky looks big here, yet in comparison to the Milky Way it is small, and in comparison to the Universe it is rather insignificant. Contemplating this I feel small and insignificant myself. Each person on Earth is the same in that regard, regardless of their talents, titles, or the costume that they call a uniform and wear so proudly. It makes me wonder where the feelings of entitlement of one person over another originated from and why this primitive thinking still persists in this wonderful age of technology and knowledge. I hope that someday this antiquated thinking no longer exists and that history books 100 or more years in the future look back at this time where one person rules over another like how we look at the Salem witch trials now, which they were obviously stupid in hindsight or not.

Gun Control, The Second Amendment, Self-Ownership, Voting

One of the harder things to do once you realize that politics, it's mechanisms and means, it's marketing, and everything that it is right down to voting is all contrary to being free and the philosophy of liberty, is to remove from one's self all political ideas and the allegiances that one was conditioned to. I know that it is hard because sometimes I see it in things that I write. I'm not a political libertarian, but rather a philosophical one, and I am cautious of how I interact publicly always trying to avoid showing political preference or even indifference to political action. Washing one's self of political conditioning and preventing its remnants from rearing it's pitifully ugly head is what I'm talking about, and I admit that conditioning does have an affect. It may not be evident to all people that look at my writings, and that is good because I try. But I do see the same in even some of the writings of people that are closest to me who have ...